martes, 2 de mayo de 2017

harbour of Cartagena

-this foto is taken by google maps.

this is the map of the harbour and el Batel with the latitud and longitud ( 37ºN-0º)

 this image is take by google.

This is the politic map of Spain, the cities have the meridian and the parales of Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, A Coruña and Palma de Mallorca. 

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2017

  • A bene placito / To good pleasure
  • A bonis ad meliora / From good to better
  • Ferrum / Iron
  • A capite ad calcem /  From feet to head
  • A fructibus cognoscitur arbor / By their fruits we know the tree
  • A latere /  Sideways
  • A limite / Input
  • A priori / Before starting
  • A simili / By similarity
  • Utraque parte / From both sides
  • Salve / Hello
  • Aevum / Time
  • Dies / Day
  • Nox / Night
  • Umbra / Shadow
Antonio, Samuel.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

The history of Cartago-Nova

Cartagena was named Cartago Nova by Publio Cornelio Escipión.Antonio
But, don't forget that was in 209 a.C. Paula
Publio Cornelio Escipión  was a very important politician of the Roman Republic.
He was named The African to distinguish him fom his grandson.
Escipión africano.JPG
He is Escipión the "African". The foto is from Wikipedia.


-ROMAN GOD: childhood


-GREEK NAME: Servian

-She is the god of childhood, childs and fun, she is in cherge of taking care of childs and of mantintaining them and entretained.

-She can relax them trough her pacifier.

-SYMBOL: her symbol is a pacifier, because the pacifier identify the child and childhood.

BY: Teresa and Paula

-Ingriedients: Fatty fish,herbs and salt. In a wrapped continer of 3 or 4 media. A layer of herbs in the bottom on it whole fish if they re small or chopped if they are big. And third of salt of 2 fingers.
2.nd: Cover and leave 7 days.
3.rd : Afterwards remove with a wooden instrument the preperation periodically (2 or 3 times a day) and leave for 20 days

BY: Paula and Teresa.

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